Category Archives: TATTOO IDEAS

25 Unbelievably Beautiful Peony Tattoo Ideas for Women

The most important thing for Christians is their holy Bible. It is clear that people, who follow this faith and want to get interesting Bible themed tattoos, will defiantly have the Bible images or other kinds of images about it. Here we have some wonderful examples of tattoos for you, which contain the Bible verses or stunning images. While looking at the pictures bellow, we can see tattoos with the symbol of God or verses that may suit you a lot and may be added into the list of your favorite tattoos. You can take one from our suggestions or create your own using the Bible verses.

20 Unique Insect Tattoos for Women and Men

Tattoos are considered to be originated from the prisons and jails. In the past the prisoners used to make different styles of tattoos for showing their status and other significant things. So before doing strange and large tattoos, discuss the meanings with the tattoo artist, and make sure you don’t make the symbols, which can refer to the life of prisoners.

50 Inspiring Hip Tattoos for Women in 2024

An amazing tattoo design can be done with the help of lightning images. If you are intended to have an odd but an original design, go in for this natural occurrence. The result will be attractive and interesting.

20+ Anchor Tattoos For Every Preference (With Meanings)

Generally, the navy attributes have become great tattoo ideas for men and women as well. The anchor tattoos are also favorite styles, which can be done almost on anybody part, as the look cute and amazing in any style and color. So, if you would like t have your next tattoo in this style, please follow the ideas and tips.

19 Eye-catching Shoulder Tattoos for Women in 2024

There are many body components, where the tattoos look fantastic, and one of the, is the shoulder part. Both men and women apply tattoo designs of numerous styles on their shoulder. However, girls can choose different designs for obtaining feminine and girlish results. Shoulder tattoos for girls bring a really elegant and classy look to the general look.

15+ Matching Sister Tattoos To Celebrate Your Special Bond

Sisters are the best friends, who know you well enough and never let you down. Although there cannot be sisters who don’t argue and fight sometimes, but after some minutes they hug and kiss each other. Moreover, what other person, if not your sister to tell your secrets and anything, you hide from your mom? Take care of them and express your love in such a unique way, as having matching tattoos. These tattoos will remind you that you are not alone and will show your strong and deep bond.

15+ Best Stingray Tattoo Ideas to Show Love for the Ocean

The stingray is a special creature, has many features that make it a supreme hunter in the wild. According to its ability to hide from sharks and be unnoticed, it is considered to be the symbol of protection. Sometimes stingrays fail to hide in the sand, and the sharks feel them and hunt. Stingrays are mainly inhabited in coastal tropical and marine waters.

20+ Dazzling Elbow Tattoo Designs: A Complete Guide With Inspiring Ideas

The elbows are actually daring places to apply tattoos on. If you have any acquaintance, who has gone in for this step, just ask him and get assured. It is the very nature of the place that makes it really hard to bear the pain that comes from tattooing on the elbow.

10+ Love Tattoo Designs with Hidden Meanings and Symbols

Love is the noblest feeling in the world. If you are feeling it and are truly in love with your partner, why not to show it through a tattoo design? In general, Love tattoos a trendy design for both genders. They express your deep love in an artistic and unique way, which is not so much common in these days. They can also include any symbol or element related to love according to your choice.

30+ Powerful Crown Tattoo Ideas That Are Royally Elegant

Crown is the symbol of power, wealth and majesty. Tattoo artists are widely using crown tattoo designs, which are various with their sizes and styles. And you have the opportunity to adorn the image with other ornaments or jewels. Thus, we have found so many beautiful and meaningful crown tattoo designs, which can truly help you in your choice.